Resources the Netherlands
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Category: The Netherlands - general information
We found a selection of articles and websites and other links with information about the business history of Holland.
Geheugen van Nederland 'The Memory of the Netherlands' is a project of the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, the National Library of the Netherlands. The website contains digitized materials from Dutch archives, libraries and museums. The International Institute of Social History contributes six thousand photographs, prints, posters and banners documenting the Dutch labour movement from 1860 through 1918.
Discussion Lists
Associations and Societies
Centraal Bureau voor Genealogie
Dutch-Flemish Society for the History of Economic Thought Directory, announcements.
Genealogische Computer Vereniging
Groningen Growth and Development Centre General information, list of publications and working papers (some downloadable).
Industrial Heritage Foundation of Hoogovens (SIEHO)
Instituut voor Nederlandse Geschiedenis (ING) The site has links to the VOC publications and activities, the Biografisch Woordenboek van Nederland and the databases 'Beschrijvend Bronnenmateriaal van de Bataafs-Franse tijd', 'Dutch entries in the pound-toll registers of Elbing 1585-1700' and 'Gewestelijke financiën ten tijde van de Republiek der Verenigde Nederlanden', data on the provincial finances during the Republic.
Kamers van Koophandel The Chambers of Commerce in the Netherlands.
Nederlandsch Economisch-Historisch Archief (Amsterdam). Association, owner of the precious Economic History Library (100,000 vols), which is accessible through the catalog of the International Institute of Social History. List of special collections, virtual exhibitions, publications (downloadable). Maintains the Bedrijfs Archieven Register Nederland, a register of company archives.
Nederlandse Boekhistorische Vereniging General information, links on the history of the book.
Nederlandse Vereniging van Belangstellenden in het Spoor- en tramwegwezen
Netwerk Voor Bedrijfsmatig Archiveren (NVBA)
Stichting Bedrijfsgeschiedenis General information.
Stichting Geschiedenis van de Overheidsfinanciën General information.
Stichting Historie der techniek Foundation for the History of Technology, Eindhoven (NL). General information. Links.
Stichting Maatschappijgeschiedenis General information.
Stichting Nederlandse Tabakshistorie General information.
Stichting Papiergeschiedenis Renkum-Heelsum General Information, Links, History.
TANAP : maintaining and protecting the information in the VOC archives.
Vereniging voor Geschiedenis en Informatica General information; Nieuwsbrief Historia en Informatica.
Vereniging voor Landbouwgeschiedenis On the site of the Agrarische geschiedenis Maatschappijwetenschappen Wageningen Universiteit.
Research Institutions
Amsterdams Centrum voor de studie van de Gouden Eeuw General information, research, activities.
Civil Services and Urban Communities Research project Civil Services and Urban Communities The Netherlands 1500-1800.
Economy and Society of the Low Countries in the Pre-industrial Period This research program, sponsored by the N.W. Posthumus Institute, unites Dutch and Flemish historians studying the economy and society of the Low Countries before 1850. On the site: program and papers.
Groningen Growth and Development Centre General information, list of publications and working papers (some downloadable).
Indonesian Economic History Project This project at the International Ibnstitute of Social History, Amsterdam is a concerted effort of several researchers at different universities and research institutions. The aim of the project is to reconstruct the national accounts of Java (1815-1939) and of Indonesia (1900-2000) and to analyze the long-term evolution of the economy of Indonesia in this period. The reconstructed national accounts will serve as the prime source of information about the economy's development over time. This provides an analytical framework for a more thorough understanding of changes and discontinuities in the economic performance of Indonesia.
Instituut voor Nederlandse Geschiedenis (ING) The site has links to the VOC publications and activities, the Biografisch Woordenboek van Nederland and the databases 'Beschrijvend Bronnenmateriaal van de Bataafs-Franse tijd', 'Dutch entries in the pound-toll registers of Elbing 1585-1700' and 'Gewestelijke financiën ten tijde van de Republiek der Verenigde Nederlanden', data on the provincial finances during the Republic.
N.W. Posthumus Instituut (Groningen), the Netherlands Research Institute and Graduate School for Economic and Social History.
Sociaal Historisch Centrum voor Limburg General information.
Urban Society in the Low Countries IUAP-Network - Urban Society in the Low Countries from the Late Middle Ages to the XVIth Century. Participants: Ghent University (UGent) - University of Antwerp (UA) - University of Leiden - Free University of Brussels (ULB) - Royal Library (KBR).
Archives and Libraries
/Geschiedenis : Dossier Bedrijven [Dossier Business (History)] The site /Geschiedenis is the result of cooperation between the VPRO (a Dutch Broadcasting Company) and 2 programs on radio and tv about history. The site offers films, pictures and relevant dossiers (for example one on business history).
Archiefforum Nederland en Vlaanderen
Archiefnet Archiefnet offers links with archives in the Netherlands and abroad (also with a large number of other organisations in the historical field).
Archieven. Beginthier Portal.
BedrijfsArchieven Register Nederland at the Netherlands Economic History Archive. A register of company archives in the Netherlands.
Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek Voorburg/Heerlen.
Databank archiefinstellingen en -bewaarplaatsen in Nederland en Vlaanderen Database Dutch and Flemish Archive Repositories, maintained by Eric Hennekam.
Digitale Bibliotheek Amsterdam (DBA) The Amsterdam Central Catalogue (ACC) is a combined regional catalogue for those AdamNet libraries, that have also been entered in the Dutch Central Catalogue (NCC).
Erfgoedhuis Zuid-Holland Provincial Centre for Industrial Heritage, Archives and Museums.
Geschiedenis van Zuid-Holland maintained by the Provinciaal Historisch Centrum Zuid-Holland.
Historisch Centrum Overijssel (Zwolle). Archival index to the extensive business history collections.
Historische boekencollectie Fortis ASR Important international historical book collection on life insurance (16th-20th centuries). The collection is housed at Fortis ASR, Utrecht.
Koninklijke Bibliotheek The national library of the Netherlands.
Nationaal Archief The national archives.
Nederlands Centrum voor Autohistorische Documentatie (Arnhem). General information.
Sociaal Historisch Centrum voor Limburg General information.
Thematis Erfgoed Portaal Thematis Erfgoed Portaal geeft toegang tot miljoenen objecten uit beelddatabanken, bibliotheken, kranten en tijdschriften, archieven, akten en registers, genealogische databases, musea en catalogi van Nederlandse erfgoedinstellingen.
Archiefnet Archiefnet offers links with archives in the Netherlands and abroad (also with a large number of other organisations in the historical field).
Atlas of Mutual Heritage The AMH is a data-bank containing a complete survey of VOC settlements and illustrative material of these settlements.
Bedrijvenregister Zuid-Holland 1921-1980.
Biografieën van Nederlandse ondernemers Biographical information on more than 4,000 Dutch entrepreneurs.
Biografisch Woordenboek van het Socialisme en de Arbeidersbeweging in Nederland on the site of the International Institute of Social History (in Dutch).
Biografisch Woordenboek van Nederland comp. and ed. by the Instituut voor Nederlandse Geschiedenis (in Dutch).
Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek Voorburg/Heerlen.
Centraal Planbureau The site of the Central Planning Bureau (CPB) in the Netherlands with online publications and downloadable data. Few historical statistics.
Civitates Orbis Terrarum (Braun and Hogenberg, 1572) Seventeen Provinces of the Netherlands. Between 1572 and 1617 Georg Braun (1541-1622) and Frans Hogenberg (1535-1590) published six volumes, containing about 530 maps of mostly European cities.
DAREnet Worldwide access to Dutch academic research results.
Digitale Atlas Geschiedenis Contemporaine beelden en teksten betreffende de Nederlandse Geschiedenis' (DAG) is the result of a co-operative project between the Royal Library, The Hague and the
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam. The project aims at making visible the treasures of both institutions on Dutch history in the 17th century.
Digitized maps at the University Library of Utrecht A presentation of maps in the collections of the Utrecht University Library, the Netherlands.
Dutch City maps from Blaeu's Toonneel der Steden Created by George Welling from the University of Groningen, provides access to facsimile copies of maps from Blaeu’s Toonneel der Steden published in 1652.
Dutch Republic History Site Books, Links, Illustrations.
Dutch-Asiatic Shipping (1595-1795) comp. by J.R. Bruijn, F.S. Gaastra, and others.
Entrepreneurs Portrayed A virtual exhibition of 67 portraits of Dutch entrepreneurs from 1600 to the present (Dutch text).
Gemeente atlas van Nederland Online version of the Gemeente Atlas van Nederland (Municipal atlas of the Netherlands) of 1865-1870 by J. Kuyper. The original edition was published by Hugo Suringar in Leeuwarden.
Historisch Huis : Economische en Sociale Geschiedenis Portal to relevant Dutch sites and reviews.
Historische Statistiek in Nederland Bibliography, survey of series and links to online publications.
Hugo van de Molen's website met Bedrijfshistorie en -documentatie Een collectie gedenkboeken, prospecti, brochures, productcatalogi, reclamemateriaal etc.
Supplement op: Termeer, Historische bibliografische gids (Martinus Nijhoff uitgevers, 3e druk; Groningen 2001; in Dutch). This site is the online supplement to the author's book with the same title. The supplement includes references to all documents in the original guide with an internet address and to all works that appeared after the guide was sent to the publisher.
Thematis Erfgoed Portaal Thematis Erfgoed Portaal geeft toegang tot miljoenen objecten uit beelddatabanken, bibliotheken, kranten en tijdschriften, archieven, akten en registers, genealogische databases, musea en catalogi van Nederlandse erfgoedinstellingen.
Value of the Guilder comparing the purchasing power of the guilder from 1450 to any other year. Maintained by IISH, Amsterdam as part of the Prices and Wages Project.
VOC Glossarium
WWW VL Dutch History Index The site is managed by Thimo de Nijs [updated 01/2001].
Data Archives
Boedelbank van het Meertensinstituut Dutch Probate Inventories on the web.
Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS): the Dutch organization responsible for storing and providing permanent access to research data from the Humanities and Social Sciences. It incorporates the Steinmetz Archive for the social sciences and the Netherlands Historical Data Archive (NHDA), which were part of NIWI (Netherlands Institute for Scientific Information Services) from 1997 to 2005.
Historical Sample of the Netherlands offers a representative sample of about 80 000 people born in the Netherlands during the period 1812-1922. It is a unique tool for research in Dutch history and demography.
Netherlands Historical Data Archive (The Hague). Collections information.
Rotterdam-Antwerp. A century and a half of Port Competition The aim of this project was to investigate different variables that influence competition between these ports and their overall effect on cargo flows. In order to be able to determine the importance of these variables a large database was constructed containing the flow of cargo in both ports. This database is available for other researchers on maritime and port history, but can also be used for statistical analysis by economists and policy makers. The Antwerp database can be found at the Workshop in Quantitative Economic History site.
Uitgevaren voor de Kamers Database concerning the passengers and the crews of ships of the Dutch East Indian Company (VOC) which departed to the Dutch East Indies between 1700-1794. At present 50.000 names, all from the town of Delft, are available.
Web Resources
'Voor geld is altijd wel een plaats te vinden' : de firma W.A. Scholten (1841-1892) : de eerste Nederlandse industriële multinational / Dorien Aletta van der Knaap PhD Groningen University 2004.
/Geschiedenis : Dossier Bedrijven [Dossier Business (History)] The site /Geschiedenis is the result of cooperation between the VPRO (a Dutch Broadcasting Company) and 2 programs on radio and tv about history. The site offers films, pictures and relevant dossiers (for example one on business history).
Aardewerk uit Friesland maintained by G. Den Ouden. An overview of the Frisian ceramics industry, with historical notes.
Bibliografie van Groningen Bibliography about all subjects concerning the Dutch province Groningen, especially history, economy, social, and politics.
Boedelbank van het Meertensinstituut Dutch Probate Inventories on the web.
Census 1899 in the Netherlands put on the web by the Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek and NIWI Amsterdam. Full text; added: extensive introduction to digital census in Europe and the US. (in Dutch).
Coalmines in the Netherlands A concise historic overview of the now vanished coal mines that dominated the South Limburg area in the Netherlands from the beginning of the 20th century to the midst of the 1970's. Lots of photographs.
- Includes database containing about 2000 online annual reports of Dutch and foreign companies.
De Wereld van Peter Stuyvesant
Deutsche Hanse Lots of information: texts, glossary, bibliography, links and much more (in German).
Die älteste bekannte Aktie (Aandeel) der Welt (The oldest share VOC).
Digitale bibliografie Nederlandse geschiedenis
Digitale publicaties by the Instituut voor Nederlandse Geschiedenis, The Hague. Contains (among others): - Dutch entries in the pound-toll registers of Elbing 1585-1700 (databaseversion) - Regional Finances Overijssel, Drenthe, Groningen and Holland - Research Guide Social Security 1890-1967.
Economy and Society of the Low Countries in the Pre-industrial Period This research program, sponsored by the N.W. Posthumus Institute, unites Dutch and Flemish historians studying the economy and society of the Low Countries before 1850. On the site: program and papers.
Etnisch ondernemerschap : de Chinese horecasector in Nederland en in de Verenigde Staten van Amerika door Boudewijn Roger Rijkschroeff (Capelle a/d IJssel : Labyrint Publication, 1998). Proefschrift Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.
Geschiedenis van de tulp in Nederland : een bibliografie
Historische Statistiek in Nederland Bibliography, survey of series and links to online publications.
- Search for annual reports of Dutch companies on the web.
- Annual reports of all Dutch listed companies.
- Portal to annual reports of Dutch companies.
New Knowledge Web on SMEs and Entrepreneurship This website contains PDF-versions of more than 200 reports written in English, including General Reports (also available in print) and Research Reports (electronic working papers). It also gives you online entry to a number of datasets.
Merchants from the Southern Netherlands and the rise of the Amsterdam Staplemarket (1578-1630) This dissertation is written by Oscar Gelderblom and published by Uitgeverij Verloren. A summary of the dissertation can be found on this site. The site provides information on sources and source use, information on the structure of the database and background information on variables and biographical information (database).
National Accounts of the Netherlands 1800-1913 at the Netherlands Institute for Scientific Information Services. Downloadable papers and tables related to the historical reconstruction of Dutch GNP and its components directed by Jan Luiten van Zanden (2000). Also available on the site of the Groningen Growth and Development Center.
Nederlandse Sontregister
Rotterdam-Antwerp. A century and a half of Port Competition The aim of this project was to investigate different variables that influence competition between these ports and their overall effect on cargo flows. In order to be able to determine the importance of these variables a large database was constructed containing the flow of cargo in both ports. This database is available for other researchers on maritime and port history, but can also be used for statistical analysis by economists and policy makers. The Antwerp database can be found at the Workshop in Quantitative Economic History site.
Staten-Generaal Digitaal Parlementaire handelingen uit de periode 1814-1995.
Statistisch Jaarboek voor het Noorden
Textielfamilie Blijdenstein Website maintained by Ronald Jansen.
The evolution of the money standard in medieval Frisia : a treatise on the history of the systems of money of account in the former Frisia (c.600-c.1500) / Dirk Jan Henstra PhD Groningen University 2000.
The prize of neutrality : trade relations between Amsterdam and North America 1771-1817 : a study in computational history / George Maria Welling PhD Groningen University 1998.
Toneel van Flora Pamphlet warning against the tulipomania.
Trésor The Library of the Delft University of Technology started digitising unique and vulnerable documents of historical interest.
Tulip Book in the NEHA Collection E-publication of the tulipbook in the collection of the Netherlands Economic History Archive, Amsterdam; contains drawings and description of tulips and other flowers. 116 leafs, dated 1628 onwards.
Tulip Book of P. Cos Publication of the tulipbook P. Cos, Haarlem in the collection of Wageningen University; contains drawings and description of tulips sold in 1637. 75 Plates.
Tulipomania See Tulipomania on the page 'History, Myths, and Romance' of the International Flower Bulb Centre.
Twee eeuwen Nederland geteld. Onderzoek met de digitale Volks-, Beroeps- en Woningtellingen 1795-2001 Redactie: O.W.A. Boonstra, P.K. Doorn, M.P.M. van Horik, J.G.S.J. van Maarseveen en J. Oudhof 2007, viii + 526 pp
Uitgevaren voor de Kamers Database concerning the passengers and the crews of ships of the Dutch East Indian Company (VOC) which departed to the Dutch East Indies between 1700-1794. At present 50.000 names, all from the town of Delft, are available.
VOC Kenniscentrum History, maps, images and literature about the Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie (Dutch East India Company; site in Dutch). See also Viering 400 jaar VOC and 400 jaar VOC Amsterdam.
Working Paper Archive of Department of Economics and Institute for Policy Analysis University of Toronto; especially texts by John H. Munro on early Dutch and Flemish economic history (a.o. 'Flemish Woollens and German Commerce during the Later Middle Ages', 'Industrial Change in the Fifteenth- and Sixteenth-Century Low Countries: the Arrival of Spanish Merino Wools and the Expansion of the "Nouvelles Draperies"' and more).