Asylum policy in the Netherlands

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Asylum seekers may be given asylum in the Netherlands if they need protection from persecution in their own country on religious or ethnic grounds, for instance. The Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) assesses whether an asylum seeker needs protection. Special rules apply to unaccompanied foreign nationals under the age of 18. People who are granted asylum get help from the municipality in finding a place to live.

 When is someone granted asylum in the Netherlands

People are granted asylum in the Netherlands if they are refugees. A refugee is someone who has reason to fear persecution in their country. For instance because of their ethnicity or because they belong to a particular social group, for example homosexuals.
Conditions for granting asylum

Asylum seekers are permitted to stay in the Netherlands if they are at risk of being persecuted in their own country because of their:

    ethnicity or social group;
    political beliefs.

People are granted asylum if they are at risk of being subjected to torture, or inhuman or degrading treatment. They can also be given asylum if the situation in their country isn’t safe enough, for instance if there is a war.


Sometimes people in another country are persecuted by members of the armed forces, the police or security forces, or by armed rebels. This can take many different forms, such as threats, beatings or rape. If the authorities of that country fail to protect their own population, its inhabitants can seek protection in the Netherlands.

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