Visit Holland - The Netherlands
The number of e-cyclists in the Netherlands has reached one million in 2012. Ten percent of all cycling kilometres (which total 1.3 billion km per year) are being ridden on pedelecs ....
These figures come from a survey done by the Fietsberaad. Until recently these kinds of figures were not readlily available because the data from the official Statistics Bureau of the Netherlands, for instance, did not distinguish between “ordinary” bikes and pedelecs (bicycles on which the cyclist’s pressure on the pedals is amplified electrically per pushing movement up to speeds of 25 km/h).
See for the knowledge bank about cycling in the Netherlands
See for the MAP with additional information about cycling (and plans) in the cities in the Netherlands
The fact that seniors make use of the pedelec is confirmed by this research. 10% of seniors aged 60 and above now own a pedelec. One fourth of all cycling kilometres ridden by this age group are made on a pedelec. This also applies to middle-aged women (46-60 years). Pedelec ownership is even somewhat higher for this group than for the seniors, namely 13%.
The number of cycling kilometres ridden by those aged 60 and above has risen remarkably in recent years, and this is particularly the case for women. Women in this age group cycled 50% more kilometres in 2010 than they did in 2000. This was not only because there were more people aged 60 and above, but also because of the advent of the pedelec.
Each pedelec was found to make an average of 31km per week. This is significantly more than the 18 kilometre average for regular bikes. While the number of kilometres cycled on a normal bike decreases with advancing age, the number of kilometres cycled on a pedelec remains unchanged as the cyclist gets older. The Cycling Council also investigated how fast people cycle on a pedelec. The average is 18.7 km/hr (a bit slower for those aged 60 and above). That is certainly not very fast. The full research report will be available in the spring of 2013.
See for the MAP with additional information about cycling (and plans) in the cities in the Netherlands
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