Visit Holland - The Netherlands


Weatherstations in the Netherlands and Belgium on Google Maps

Read more: Weatherstations

Castles in Netherlands before XVII century

Castles in the Netherlands

Read more: Castles in Netherlands before XVII century


Overview of museums in the Netherlands on Google Maps

Read more: Museums

Geocoding in the Netherlands

Geocoding in the Netherlands by dragging the marker in Google Maps V3. You can find the latitude and longitude info below the map.

Read more: Geocoding in the Netherlands

Deltaworks in Zeeland

Struggle against the water in the Netherlands

Read more: Deltaworks in Zeeland

Find places in the Netherlands

You are looking for a place in the Netherlands. Enter the name of that place (or the ZIP-code) and press search. When you make a small mistake you will be asked: did you mean.......!

Read more: Find places in the Netherlands

Monasteries in the Netherlands

Monasteries in the Netherlands

Read more: Monasteries in the Netherlands

Calculate distance & surface in the Netherlands

Google Maps Version 3 (V3) offers better opportunities to calculate polylines and polygones (surface).

Read more: Calculate distance & surface in the Netherlands

Riverports in the Netherlands

An overview of riverports in the Netherlands - on Google Maps

Read more: Riverports in the Netherlands

The Netherlands - Google Maps with airport

Outline of the country "the Netherlands" with on overview of some airports.  It shows large international airports and some regional and small airports and/or landingstrips.

Read more: The Netherlands - Google Maps with airport

Some museums in the Netherlands

A small selections of museum in the Netherlands

Read more: Some museums in the Netherlands