Visit Holland - The Netherlands
Full country name: Kingdom of the Netherlands
Area: 41,526 sq km
Population: 16,254,900
Capital city: Amsterdam
Language: Dutch (official), Frisian (official)
Religion: Christian (52%) (Roman Catholic and Protestant), Muslim (5.3%). Fully 40% of the Dutch say they have no religious affiliation.
Government: Constitutional monarchy
Queen: Beatrix van Oranje Nassau
Prime Minister: Jan Peter Balkenende
Currency: euro (EUR)
Climate: The Netherlands has a temperate maritime climate with cool winters and mild summers.
Time Zone: GMT/UTC plus one hour
Major Cities: Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Maastrict, Zwolle, Eindhoven
Electricity: 230V, 50Hz
Weights & measures: Metric
Country Dialing Code: 31
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